Server Types

List and description of server types supported by loupp

Loupp currently support 3 server types

Web Servers

Software that are installed:

  • Nginx

  • PHP

  • Composer

  • MySQL, MariaDB or PostegreSQL

  • Supervisor

  • UFW Firewall

  • NPM

  • Memcached

  • Redis Server

  • Base Packages

Web servers are the most common type of server provisioned, they are designed to provide all the requirements to run a laravel / PHP application

Database Servers

Software that are installed:

  • MySQL, MariaDB or PostegreSQL

  • UFW Firewall

This server is useful for hosting your database as a separate server. After server is provisioned access to all ports and IP address would be restricted. You can manage the application that can access this database from the network tab

Load Balancers

Software that are installed:

  • Nginx

  • UFW Firewall

Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring no single server becomes a bottleneck.

By balancing the load, your application can handle more users simultaneously without slowing down, if one server goes down, the load balancer redirects traffic to other servers, ensuring continuous uptime

Check more about the management of Load balancers

Last updated

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